
INFORMAS in Iran is run by Professor Nasrin Omidvar. Presently, 3 modules have been initiated and are in the planning phase, including: Public Sector (Food EPI), Food Promotion and Food Price. The Iranian team will work under the National Nutrition and Food Technology Research Institute (NNFTRI). Due the institute’s extensive connections with industry, as well as the health sector and Food and Drug Administration of Iran, we hope to be able to collect the necessary data.

According to our plan, data collection, analysis and reporting of these 3 modules will be done by mid-2022. The team has previously worked on food marketing and food environment with a focus on school-age children.

Nasrin Omidvar, MSc, PhD

Professor of Nutrition

Department of Community Nutrition, National Nutrition and Food Technology Research Institute, Faculty of Nutrition Sciences and Food Technology, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Email: Nasrin Omidvar

Module Status (as of August 2024) Outputs*
Public Sector (Food EPI)
  • Ongoing
  • Under review (2024) ‘Are Iran’s current policies and infrastructure supporting Healthier Food Environments? Food and nutrition bulletin’.
Private Sector    
Food Composition    
Food Labelling    
Food Promotion
  • Ongoing
  • Published (2023) article ‘Modification and development of protocols for the content analysis of the food advertisements in mass media and school surroundings in Iran’
  • Paper under review (2024): ‘Content analysis of food and beverages advertisements on TV, radio, and billboards in Iran’
  • Paper under review (2024):  ‘TV food Commercials target children: a content analysis of TV food advertisementsin Iran’
2, 3, 4
Food Prices
  • Published research article ‘Why has the taxing policy on sugar-sweetened beverages not reduced their purchase in Iranian households?’ (2023)
Food Retail
  • Ongoing
  • Paper under review (2024): ‘Translation and validation of food environment analysis protocol for retailers near schools in Shiraz based on the INFORMAS retail module and NEMS-S instrument’
Food Provision    
Food Trade & Investment    

*To see the full references, refet to tab

Public Sector (Food-EPI)

1. Under review: ‘Are Iran’s current policies and infrastructure supporting Healthier Food Environments? Food and nutrition bulletin’

Food Promotion

2. Amini M, Babashahi M, Ghodsi D, Faghih S, Sabouri A. Modification and Development of Protocols for the Content Analysis of the Food Advertisements in Mass Media and School Surroundings in Iran. Iranian J Nutr Sci Food Technol 2023; 18 (1) :33-54

3. Under review: ‘Content analysis of food and beverages advertisements on TV, radio, and billboards in Iran’. MJIRI

4. Under review: TV food Commercials target children: a content analysis of TV food advertisementsin Iran. BMJ Open

Food Retail

5. Under review: ‘Translation and validation of food environment analysis protocol for retailers near schools in Shiraz based on the INFORMAS retail module and NEMS-S instrument’

Food Prices

5. Ghodsi, D., Haghighian-Roudsari, A., Khoshfetrat, M., Abdollah-PouriHosseini, S. F., Babapour, M., Esfarjani, F., Ajami, M., Zargaraan, A., & Mohammadi-Nasrabadi, F. (2023). Why has the taxing policy on sugar sweetened beverages not reduced their purchase in Iranian households?. Frontiers in nutrition10, 1035094.